January 17th, 2018

What Ezra Reed taught me!

This life experience actually starts in 2015. Ben and I agreed that it was time for us to try to have another baby. We actually had been trying for four years!! Every time I took a test the results will be negative. Well I had two blighted ovums the end of 2015! That just means I was pregnant there was just no embro.
so needless to say my heart was heavy and I took it as God didn’t want me to have anymore children.
I was finally ok with not being able to have any more babies. We were at a meeting in Georgia August
2016. Noah and Dakota wanted to go swimming but I didn’t feel so good . So I asked Ben to take them because my head was hurting and I was so tired!!
Ben piped up and said your pregnant aren’t you?!?!
I in a not so nice tone replied “ You know I can be pregnant!!”. The meeting ended and I was going to show him that I was not pregnant!! We got home and I took a test and to my surprise it was positive!!
Wow God really answered my hearts desire!!! In October 2016 Ben I announced that we would be having our third baby!!! How excited we all were . The boys were over the moon!!! As time went by we found out we were having another boy!!! Our little Ezra Reed! It was a good pregnancy till the end . On May
third my blood pressure was high so Ben took me into the Doctor. Dr. Goolsby had them run every test she could think of and then some. Turned out Ezra and myself were fine! I had my last appointment on May eighth ( due date May 10 th) that’s when my life changed forever! Dr. Goolsby could not get a good heartbeat on Ezra so I went to get an ultrasound. In the mist of all this Ben and the boys were in the waiting room. I texted Ben and told him what was going on. There I was in that small little room with my husband, Doctor, and the ultrasound technician.
I knew something was not quite right….. Mrs. Watson there’s no heartbeat! NO HEARTBEAT WHAT!?!? “ I CAN’T do this “ I said out loud. The doctor and the Tech say how sorry they are and give me some tissues. I don’t know how much time passed between my husband reaching for my hand while I’m still repeating I can’t do this. Then The Lord reminded me of what I’d prayed just the night before….. God if there was ever anything to happen to
Exra please give me the grace and strength to go through it. Little did I know I would need that Grace the next day. C-section scheduled for five or 5:30 that day so Ben and I started making the calls . They put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to the O.R. ! All I could think about was that Ezra was gone….. Just 5 days earlier he was fine! All the nurses were so sweet and kind. When Dr.Goolsby finally got him out I had to do a double take cause I thought I had seen him breathing!! He was beautiful!!! Ben guessed his length and got it right too! 22 inches long! Ben had to tell me several times how much he weighed because I thought they were joking!! 10 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long WOW!! One of the nurses ended up taking a picture so I would believe them. Ezra Reed was put into my arms with tears in my eyes I fell in love with my third little ( big) boy! In my eyes he was perfect! Head full of hair, chubby checks, and fat rolls everywhere!!! The Dr said there was a blood clot in the cord and that was why he passed. Wow how things quickly change in just five days. Back to my room with Ezra in my arms so the boys could see him. Both got to hold him… sad but sweet moment.