
7 posts


   Scars may make you numb in the area of the initial injury. Scars may also leave a memory when you touch or look at them! Good or bad memories our scars make us who we are !! I have a few that when I touch them I smile. That […]

Food For Thought!!

  Sometimes there will be sorrow in your life, but try not to stay broken too long. A broken spirit will dry up your bones ( Proverbs 17:22). No one wants to be around someone who is dry and broken! The Bible also says in Proverbs 25:22 if you have […]

Willing and waiting!!

What are we willing to do to know HIM more???? First we must have a willing heart. In Exodus 35:21-22 we find That both million women had willing hearts when they were building the temple. Just as those people back then had willing hearts to serve the Lord we should […]

Just a thought!!!

Jeremiah 17 :7 says Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. Then in verse 9 it says The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? You can’t trust your heart it is wicked!!!! But you can […]

Ezra Reed Continued

I really don’t remember a lot about those hours right after the delivery. I’m not sure who was there and things like that. I do remember hearing other babies crying and feeling like my heart was just gonna break into! My cousin Angie told it might help to get out […]

January 17th, 2018

What Ezra Reed taught me! This life experience actually starts in 2015. Ben and I agreed that it was time for us to try to have another baby. We actually had been trying for four years!! Every time I took a test the results will be negative. Well I had […]

Know God and him knowing you.

In order to know God you must!! 1. Turn from sin. 2. Trust the savior. 3. Try the Spirits. ( to see if they are of God) 4. Totally surrender. 5. Thirst after the Scriptures. But for God to know you. 1. You must confess your sin. 2. You must […]